About Us

Established in 1984, focusing on Islamic and Modern Education in rural communities.

Who we are

About Us

Al-Haque is a registered society, its members elect executive committee and the office bearers once in 3 years. The society’s accounts are audited every year for IT returns.

Alhamdullilah,”Al-Haque Educational society” has been tirelessly working since 1984 in the rural areas around Hyderabad to provide Islamic education in accordance with the Holy Quran and teaching of Prophet Mohammed SAW., together with the modern education in English medium.

Years of Experience




  • Al-Haque build & supervise 150 Mosques in the villages and these numbers are growing.
  • 125 Imams are appointed in mosques to lead regular prayers.
  • Religious gatherings & Islamic lectures are being arranged.
  • Mosques serves as community center and provides adult education.

Establishment of Makatib (Deeni Madris)

  • Al haque established 125, morning and evening Maktabs (Madrasas) in the mosques where 1,600 young children studies.
  • The Maktab syllabus includes Noorani qaida, Nazira Quran, Important ahadees and Urdu language.
  • The young kids learns about Tawheed, Deniyat, Islamic rituals and Prophet Mohammed’s (pbuh) Sunnat.
  • The Madrasa grooms the young kids to become good Muslim and responsible citizen.
  • Provide Islamic education to adults in the evening.

English Medium Residential Schools with Islamic Education

  • Al haque Operates two residential Schools (KG to Class IO) In English medium together with intensive Islamic Education as per State government syllabus.
  • Islamic syllabus comprise of Noorani qaida, Nazira Quran, Ahadees, Deeniyat and Urdu for KG to class 4 students.
  • Understanding of Quran, Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) Seerath, History of Islam and Urdu language from class 5 to 10.
  • Separate Hifz classes after grade 4 for 3 years with subjects English & Mathematics only.
  • On completion of Hifz the students join in grade 8 after taking intensive bridge course.
  • Beautiful campus on 3 Acres in Gajwel Mandal (70 km from Hyderabad) with excellent infrastructure, well ventilated classrooms & Playground.
  • Well furnish classrooms and kindergarten Class, fully equipped Laboratory and Audio-visual Library.
  • Regular prayers are held in the campus Mosque that infuses Islamic sprit. Well-furnished residential facilities with boarding & lodging.
  • Educated, Experienced and dedicated teachers and supervisors that induces high moral values.
  • Al haque offers Scholarship & sponsorship to the orphan, poor and needy students.

Distribution and Translation of Islamic literature in Telugu

  • Al Haque has translated and published about 52 books including Holy Quran in Telugu.
  • These Books are continuously under distribution in villages among Telugu Speaking community.
  • Publication and distribution of famous books such as Al Loolu wal Marjan, Bulugh ul Maram, Ar Raheeq ul Makhtoom and Khutubat-e-Madras etc is continuing.